10, 30, 60. How to Self-Care on a Schedule in 2019

Oh, the start of a new year. It’s the universally celebrated time when we often attempt to 'begin again,' with our diet, fitness routine, organization, or savings plan (or all of the above?). We know the list goes on and on. But while our resolutions are always backed by good intentions, nothing ever seems to go as planned. And it’s starting to get old. That’s why in 2019, we’ve decided to move away from setting the traditional New Year’s resolutions. Instead, we’re focusing on making self-care a regular practice. Sounds so much better than a pricey new gym membership, right? If choosing a self-care ritual seems like too much to handle based on limited time, energy, or mental capacity (it’s natural this time of year), we want to help. Just know that when it comes to self-care, there are no rules. So listen up, all you overachievers out there: There is no wrong way to do it. Absolutely no stress should be involved, ever! After all, it would be defeating the purpose, as the intention of self-care is to nurture the mind, body, and spirit. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favorite ways to self-care. So whether you have just 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes to spare, we have ideas. 

60 minutes (or more)

  1. Take a workout class. Whether it’s a restorative yoga class or more aggressive cardio, get those endorphins pumping.
  2. Crack open a cookbook (or launch the Pinterest app) and make yourself dinner. You know you’re over takeout these days! Then set the table and enjoy every bite of your creation.
  3. Create a spa day without leaving the comfort of your home. Our line of Natural Body Care products are perfect for this. Mix and match to your heart’s content.
  4. Volunteer your time. Nothing does more for the soul than giving your time. From animal shelters to senior centers, you’ll feel even better walking out than you did going in.  
  5. Get a physical. Just like you, we cringe thinking about voluntarily going to the doctor when nothing is wrong. But an annual visit to the doctor is important.
  6. See a movie. Choose the kitchy Rom-Com, the new thriller, or that documentary that keeps popping up in your Facebook feed. Just be sure to get popcorn with all the butter.

~30 minutes

  1. Run a bath (for you, not the kids). The water and steam will do wonders for the body, especially when it includes our Sparkling Bath Tab in your favorite scent.
  2. Get comfy on the sofa (preferably with an oversized throw and fluffy pillow) and get caught up on the latest episode of New Amsterdam (you know you’re watching it, too) or get lost in a good book.
  3. Go for a walk. We don’t know about you, but being outside just does something for our spirit. Breathe it all in.
  4. Take a nap. It may feel indulgent, but it’s so good for you. Trust us on this one.
  5. Take an actual lunch. Your desk won’t miss you if you opt for a change of scenery. In fact, you may like it more when you get back!
  6. Detox from your phone. Contrary to popular belief, the world will not end if you turn it off. Take the time to connect with a live human being instead.

10 minutes or less

  1. Face mask and chill with our Rosehip & Clay Facial Mask. While masking, try a guided meditation from the Insight Timer Meditation App.
  2. Dance like no one is watching (even if they are) to whatever music you can get your hands onto. Whatever your style, Bruno Mars or Stevie Nicks, just do you.
  3. Call your Mom. You know she’s been dying to catch up with you. Plus you know you secretly enjoy getting to hear the latest gossip on your family.
  4. Drink a big glass of water. You know that you’re not achieving anywhere near the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses daily. The water in your coffee doesn’t count!
  5. Play your favorite song, multiple times, really loudly in the car on your drive home. And sing along. Who cares if anyone notices?
  6. Take pen to actual paper and journal. Who knows, getting your brilliant ideas and dreams onto paper might actually be the trick to getting them done!